control: tag -1 patch

this is a first step towards filtering out packages with Extra-Source-Only:yes in the Sources files.

For now, I've only patched the perl script, so that the new data gets included in the archive database. If this patch is accepted, we can move on to adapt the PHP script developer.php.


Index: trunk/data/ddpo/
--- trunk/data/ddpo/	(Revision 3619)
+++ trunk/data/ddpo/	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
     die "$fname not found" unless (-f $fname);
     open F, "$decompressor $fname |" or die "$fname: $!";
     my ($package, $maintainer, $architecture, $binary, $section, $priority,
-        $version, $uploaders, $dmpackage);
+        $version, $uploaders, $dmpackage, $extrasourceonly);
     while (<F>) {
         $package = $1 if /^Package: (.+)/;
         $maintainer = $1 if /^Maintainer: (.+)/;
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
         $version = $1 if /^Version: (.+)/;
         $uploaders = $1 if /^Uploaders: (.+)/;
         $dmpackage = ($1 eq "yes") if /^Dm-Upload-Allowed: (.+)/i; # must be lower case 'yes'
+        $extrasourceonly = ($1 eq "yes") if /^Extra-Source-Only: (.+)/i; # must be lower case 'yes'
         if (/^$/) {
             if (exists $db{"$s:$package"}) {
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@
                 my $ret = $aptvs->compare ($version, $db{"$s:$package"});
                 if ($ret <= 0) {
                     ($package, $maintainer, $architecture, $binary, $section, $priority,
-                        $version, $uploaders, $dmpackage) = ();
+                        $version, $uploaders, $dmpackage, $extrasourceonly) = ();
@@ -116,9 +117,10 @@
             if ($suite eq "unstable" or $suite eq "experimental") {
                 $db{"dm:$package"} = $dmpackage if $dmpackage;
+            $db{"eso:$package"} = $extrasourceonly if $extrasourceonly;
             ($package, $maintainer, $architecture, $binary, $section, $priority,
-                $version, $uploaders, $dmpackage) = ();
+                $version, $uploaders, $dmpackage, $extrasourceonly) = ();
     close F;

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