On Wed, 22 Nov 2017, Pierre-Elliott Bécue wrote:
> > Adding tests afterwards is hard and you are likely to miss some important
> > tests. And it's just not fun to code tests separately when you already
> > have something working... it will be hard to stick to it in the long run.
> I agree on the principle, but I had just no clue of where I was headed, and
> no clue of how to design a test for this functionality. So I thought about
> trying to develop something that analyzes the json file and then I was
> set up to finish.

It's precisely when you don't know where you are headed that writing
tests helps you design something better. It restrains your choices
towards something testable which usually ends up more modular and cleaner.

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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