On Thu, May 10, 2018 at 1:21 PM, Charles Plessy wrote:

> I was a bit over-zealous and cleaned the Alioth repository recently, but
> the source is still on <https://umegaya.branchable.com/> and I can
> transfer it to Salsa if there is interest.

Branchable is missing a few of the commits from alioth.

> The Debian Med team includes upstream information from these files
> in its "tasks" pages (see <https://blends.debian.org/med/tasks/bio>
> for example), using the UDD as a gatherer.

This is using upstream-metadata.debian.net, seems like it will need
updating if a replacement shows up.

> Indeed, it would be great if we could signal to our users where to
> gratify the upstream authors, and I have been hoping that the
> upstream-metadata could be helpful for this

I filed a bug about that here:


> But maybe this is more the scope of AppStream

AppStream includes donation URLs:


I don't think AppStream is aimed at everything, for example libraries
or command-line tools aren't going to have them.

> <https://appstream.debian.org/> ?

This is more developer-oriented than user-oriented, I think we would
need apps.debian.org for a user-oriented view of Debian's AppStream

This would be my proposal (I won't volunteer) for replacing

Update vcswatch to scan each repo for upstream metadata files and
export those. Update the UDD gatherer to use the Contents-source files
from the local mirror and extract upstream metadata files. Update the
UDD gatherer to import the vcswatch results too.



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