
On Thu, 13 Jun 2019, Herbert Fortes wrote:
> I found where to make the change. But the information about
> who gave the permission I do not know where it is at *debian.org.
> In distro_tracker/vendor/debian/rules.py file:
> _add_dm_entry function - extra.append({'display': 'dm'})
> 'link': "https://ftp-master.debian.org/dm.txt";
> 'description': "Debian Maintainer upload allowed by Andreas Henriksson"

In https://ftp-master.debian.org/dm.txt behind each package, there's a
fingerprint between parenthesis. This fingerprint is the fingerprint
of the key who signed the addition of the DM right. So if you can map
that back to a name, then you're good.

There's some code doing that already with the help of the GPG keyring
that we have configured, see verify_signature() in
distro_tracker/core/utils/__init__.py (in particular

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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