On Thu, 05 Mar 2020 10:28:03 +0000, Iain Lane wrote:

> I'm planning to work on #888313 (add upstream git remotes automatically
> with gbp clone) today. 

Nice, I was not aware of this bug and the idea.

We're doing something like this in the perl group as well:
- add the repo to d/u/metadata
- have a script which basically does
  git remote add upstream-repo "$REPOURL"
  git fetch [--prune] upstream-repo
- this gets also called from our .mrconfig in our meta repo:

So I guess this can all be remove if gbp supports it natively.

> Since the discussions on the bug I've learned a
> bit more about the upstream metadata spec
>   https://wiki.debian.org/UpstreamMetadata
> I think a slight gap there is that the "Repository:" field is just a
> URL: it's not really enough information to tell if it's a git repository
> we could add a remote for. To solve that I'm proposing a new
> "Repository-Type" field, which would have values like "git, svn, hg,
> ...". Opinions?

In the perl team we just check if it's a git repo and continue from
        if ! GIT_ASKPASS=/bin/true git ls-remote "$REPOURL" >/dev/null 2>&1; 

Having to add another field to thousands of files doesn't sound too
appealing to me (especially as at least in our case there are hardly
any non-git upstream repos involved).
> In terms of the git-buildpackage implementation, I'm thinking of adding
> and fetching the upstream repository but *not* creating any tracking
> branches by default - that would avoid some of the discussions we've had
> in the bug and I think should be enough for most Debian packaging
> workflows (dealing with tags). 

I think that's what we're doing as well.

> Probably together with an option in
> gbp.conf to disable this behaviour too. 

Fine with me.

Thanks for your work!

gregor, cc'ing the perl list in case others have additional ideas

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