El Domingo, 23 de Enero de 2005 20:53, Jean Darcoux escribió:
> As a solution, I recommand to replace characters like '+' by there
> corresponding code (like %2B in the case of '+'). The later example should
> then display the URL
> http://www.google.com/search?q=C%2B%2B&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8

The problem, is not that characters are badly encoded, is that google uses "+" 
and "-" as metacharacters for saying some things, like this:


Since there is no way of guessing what the user wants to search, he should use 
quotes when a literal "+" wants to be included in the search.

Alex (a.k.a. suy) - GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2
http://darkshines.net/ - Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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