On February 14, 2005 16:57, Isaac Clerencia wrote:
> > Kppp writes wrong password to pap-secrets when I use password contained
> > non-alphanumeric characters.
> > For example, for password user: test password: "` it writes
> > "test" ""`"
> > instead of
> > "test" '\"\`'
> I've tryed to reproduce the bug but kppp stores the password
> in .kde/share/config/kppprc instead of *-secrets here and stores the
> password correctly:
> Name=my_connection
> Password="`
> How have you managed to get kppp to store the password in *-secrets? It
> shouldn't touch that files (and it shouldn't have permission to edit them
> if you just add a user to the "dip" group and run kppp with that user).

kppp is now SUID root by default. When it runs, it splits into a privileged 
backend and an unprivileged frontend. The SUID backend actually 
renames /etc/ppp/*-secrets, and creates its own versions of those files, 
filling them with the password information stored in 
~/.kde/share/config/kppprc. On disconnect, it removes these files, and puts 
the originals back.

Perhaps the problem occurs when the password is moved to the new *-secrets 
file, from kppprc. Incidentally, this looks somewhat related to the 
problems of KDE #91235 and #61786.

Christopher Martin

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