On Monday 04 April 2005 06:42 pm, Frederik Dannemare wrote:
> On Monday 04 April 2005 23:49, Jan Jansen wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am not familiar with reporting bugs, etc. ... sorry for that.
> >
> > My configuration :
> >
> > I am running for more than 6 months Debian (testing), currently I
> > have following kdepim problems, during
> >
> > apt-get dist-upgrade :
> >
> > Preconfiguring packages ...
> > (Database inlezen ... 147874 bestanden en mappen geïnstalleerd.)
> > Voorbereiden om ktnef 4:3.3.1-3 te vervangen (met
> [ ... ]
> For starters, you should definitely not be reporting in non-English...

While it would have been nice if he had translated the dpkg messages where 
the error is for us, they are pretty similar, and he did write the rest of 
his e-mail in English.

The error appears to be:
> /var/cache/apt/archives/libkdenetwork2_4%3a3.3.2-2_i386.deb (--unpack):
> poging tot overschrijven van `/usr/share/apps/kconf_update/kpgp-
> 3.1-upgrade-address-data.pl <http://3.1-upgrade-address-data.pl>', wat ook 
> in pakket libkleopatra0a zit

which seems to be that libkdenetwork2_4:3.3.2-2_i386.deb is trying to 
overwrite /usr/share/apps/kconf_update/kpgp-3.1-upgrade-address-data.pl 
which is in package libkleopatra0a.


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