On Sat, Dec 06, 2003 at 03:18:16PM -0600, Chris Cheney wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 03, 2003 at 05:59:01PM +0100, Bill Allombert wrote:
> > Until this is properly documented, the bug should not be closed.
> > 
> > Also that does not address why KDE need its own mime-magic system.
> > Why not using the /etc/mime-magic file ?
> What /etc/mime-magic file, you mean the one that gnome provides?[1] Why
> doesn't gnome use the KDE one? :P All I see that is standard is a
> /etc/magic file which does not include anything that was directly built
> into the file(1) utility, which happens to mean /etc/magic is empty.

Then why not add mime-magic support to mime-types and share that between
all the program that need it instead of replicating the feature all
along ?

> The way KDE is designed all its upstream config related files go into
> $prefix/share/config, this had to be worked around by Debian to put it
> into /etc/kde3. As I understand it none of the files in
> $prefix/share/config were not meant to be directly edited by the admin

> but Debian requires any config related file be editable. However, KDE
> upstream does many very stupid things so I wouldn't be surprised if they
> intended $prefix/share/config to be editable as well, even though they

KDE 1.1 provided a way to modify the files in /usr/share/kde... by
asking first for the root password. So yes they were editable...

> put it in an obviously wrong location.

What you need is a 3-way overriding process like Debian menu does:

1: ~/.kde3/share/config   for user config.
2: /etc/kde3              for sysadmin config.
3: /use/share/kde3/config for package config.

Files in 1) override files in 2) and 3), files in 2) override files in 3).

You ship 2) basically empty (everything should go in 3).)

e.g. menu use
1: ~/.menu
2: /etc/menu
3: /usr/lib/menu


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