CVS commit by mornfall: 

- update TODO
- cvsignore *ui.h *ui.cpp
- introduce capture::PkgManager (first try)
- implement capture::PkgFeeder: This class abstracts the PkgIterator
  away from addPackage in grouper and enables us to feed eg. DepIterator
  into grouper. This needs matching the grouper type and feeder type.
  Ie, there are going to be different types of groupers and feeders,
  with regards to respective IterType (see pkggrouper.h)
- unpointerize argmaps in pkggrouper.*
- add PkgGrouperFactory:: saveToString, loadFromString; saves
  configuration of whole chain into a string and loads it back into
  objects; needed for user-configurable chains
- add PkgCustomGrouper: creates chain from argmap-marshalled
  PkgFactoryChain; usefulness of this is questionable right now (as
  PkgGrouperFactory gained save/load to/from string); will see
- add stl_util.{h,cpp}: marshallers and demarshallers (ugly, fragile,
  sucky) for list<string> and argmap (aka map<string,string>); needed
  for saving PkgGrouperFactory into string
- stab at PkgDepTree (will be obsoleted by PkgDepFeeder anyway)
- add some comments to few classes
- add Dominique to authors list
- create kapture::MainView: TabWidget contianer grouping different
  package views and the OperationMenu; should be capable of
  adding/removing its views and also saving and loading them to
  a KConfig (this isn't implemented yet however)
- create kapture::OperationMenu: simple menu to perform the most common
  tasks (mock-up for now -- no functionality implemented yet)
- move the version combobox in PkgDetailsCommon upwards, next to package
  name and highlight both Package and Version
- create generic PkgView (abstract, defines interface for PkgView's to
  be used in MainView) and PkgListView implementation for this
- first stab at KConfig, kconfig_compiler, KConfigSkeleton and friends;
  not functional right now, mostly skeletons

Domi: Sorry for big commit... Also, this is full of warnings and maybe
broken code... I will clean up myself, don't bother. I hope i will be
able to commit today...


  A            kapture/kaptureconfig.cpp   1.1 [no copyright]
  A            kapture/kaptureconfig.h   1.1 [UNKNOWN]
  A            kapture/kaptureconfigbase.kcfgc   1.1
  A            kapture/mainview.cpp   1.1 [no copyright]
  A            kapture/mainview.h   1.1 [UNKNOWN]
  A            kapture/mainviewui.ui   1.1
  A            kapture/operationmenu.h   1.1 [UNKNOWN]
  A            kapture/operationmenuui.ui   1.1
  A            kapture/pkglistview.cpp   1.1 [no copyright]
  A            kapture/pkglistview.h   1.1 [UNKNOWN]
  A            kapture/pkglistviewui.ui   1.1
  A            kapture/pkgmanager.cpp   1.1 [LGPL (v2+)]
  A            kapture/pkgmanager.h   1.1 [LGPL (v2+)]
  A            kapture/stl_test.cpp   1.1 [no copyright]
  A            kapture/stl_util.cpp   1.1 [LGPL (v2+)]
  A            kapture/stl_util.h   1.1 [LGPL (v2+)]
  M +2 -1      TODO   1.3
  M +2 -4      kapture/.cvsignore   1.2
  M +12 -5     kapture/   1.3
  M +30 -46    kapture/kapture_part.cpp   1.5
  M +8 -8      kapture/kapture_part.h   1.2
  M +2 -1      kapture/main.cpp   1.2
  M +9 -3      kapture/pkgdetails.cpp   1.3
  M +5 -3      kapture/pkgdetails.h   1.3
  M +125 -75   kapture/pkgdetailscommonui.ui   1.3
  M +127 -26   kapture/pkggrouper.cpp   1.9
  M +81 -22    kapture/pkggrouper.h   1.10
  M +6 -4      kapture/pkglist.cpp   1.8
  M +4 -3      kapture/pkglist.h   1.6
  M +28 -9     kapture/pkgtree.cpp   1.7
  M +16 -8     kapture/pkgtree.h   1.4
  M +11 -0     kapture/pkgtreeitem.h   1.7
  M +6 -2      kapture/pkgtreenode.h   1.9
  M +5 -17     kapture/pkgview.cpp   1.6
  M +12 -9     kapture/pkgview.h   1.3

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