El Miércoles, 6 de Octubre de 2004 22:12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
> On Wed, Oct 06, 2004 at 09:31:49PM +0200, Alejandro Exojo wrote:
> Again, the unreleased status of the software does NOT mean the wishlist
> bug should be closed.  It is a reasonable wishlist bug, and the current
> state or release status of the implementation is NOT RELEVANT and NOT
> justification to close the bug.

The unreleased state of the project, means a lot if you can't put the 
necessary information in the copyright file.

> > and that doesn't have any relation with kdebase.
> My impression was that kecko was to be an alternate rendering engine for
> the konqueror browser that could be built alongside or as an alternative
> to the KTHML engine from KDE source.  How does that have no relation to
> kdebase?

Because the port is code related to mozilla, not tot KDE. Konqueror has the 
feature of embedding plugins (java, flash, etc.) but asking its mantainers to 
package those plugins, doesn't makes sense.

> My impression is that it would be an option when compiling KDE, not a
> standalone package.  Hence I filed the bug against the relevant KDE
> component (to me as a user, anyway) rather than as an RFP.
> If kecko will be _separate_ source package that isn't built from KDE
> source, then reassigning to wnpp and retitling as RFP would be
> appropriate - but as I said my impression was that it would be a part of
> the KDE source (albeit one that depended on Gecko).

It needs two components: a KPart, and the Qt port, as the new you posted 

> > I _think_ is invalid because this software is unreleased,
> The unreleased status of the kecko software in no way makes the bug
> invalid.
> Consider the situation where the kecko software didn't exist at all; a
> wishlist bug for gecko renderer support in konqueror would certainly be
> appropriate.  The fact that some work has actually been done toward this
> end but is not yet released does not invalidate the wishlist bug during
> the time it takes upstream to implement and release.
> > but I'm 99% sure that this isn't a valid wishlist bug
> I believe you are incorrect for the reasons stated above.
> >  _agaisnt konqueror_.
> Feel free to reassign to the appropriate KDE package, of course.

I can't reply properly if you break my sentences and change the context. 
Anyway, latest news:


So _today_ (not Wed, 6 Oct 2004 05:21:47 -0700, when you first reported the 
bug), it seems that there is the first code available. I checked it out, and 
at least now we can say that there is a license and copyright holder(s), but 
it is a combination of MPL/GPL/LGPL, so it can be complex. But again, as I 
said, it's code unrelated to KDE.

Still there is no code for the KPart needed. It's very probable, that it will 
be commited to the kdenonbeta module, and, when it fits the KDE release 
schedule, will be moved to kdebase.

Then, at that moment, but not before, if the packages of that version of 
konqueror in Debian, doesn't include support for embedding gecko, a wishlist 
will make sense.

This is my point, and I hope you understood it. Anyway, I'm not the mantainer 
of this package, neither a Debian developer, so if have more information to 
add, don't reply to me, do it to the bugreport only, please.


Alex (a.k.a. suy) - GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2
http://darkshines.net/ - Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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