On Tue, Oct 19, 2004 at 01:31:20PM +0200, Adeodato Simó wrote:


>   I think it wouldn't result difficult to implement this *if* one looks
>   into using /usr/bin/genkdmconf, which is capable of generating kdm
>   configuration files which are the result of *merging* existing files
>   and new defaults and/or options.
>   currently, genkdmconf is run once at build time and the resulting files
>   are shipped (see kdebase/kdm/kfrontend/Makefile.am). I think it would
>   make sense to run genkdmconf in the postinst script, so that local
>   changes get merged.
>   Andras, if you're still interested in the issue, please follow-up and
>   we can discuss the implementation details. if not, I'll put this in my
>   TODO list (I myself have been annoyed by this behavior longer than I
>   can remember).

I am interested; I can help with shell scripting if that is called for. At
the moment I don't have a lot of time to get acquainted with new tools such
as genkdmconf and to think about how to best use them, but I guess I can
implement something you come up with.


                 Andras Korn <korn at chardonnay.math.bme.hu>
                 <http://chardonnay.math.bme.hu/~korn/> QOTD:
              Money isn't everything... but it's not a bad start.

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