On Wed, 10 Dec 2003 02:02, Dominique Devriese wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for the bug report.
> Can you please check if this bug still occurs with more recent KDE (
> 3.* ) packages ?
> Thanks
> domi

i haven't updated yet but some one else has same problem, heres tere emails:
#initial email#
Woody with KDE 3.1 and XFree86 4.3
 From: Geoff Maclean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
My video card seems to have been a poor choice - a Leadtek WinFast A 180 DDR 
(Nvidia GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X).
I'm a newbie and have had many experimental moments trying to get X to start.
I've previously tried updating to sarge and I also added deb 
http://www.schuldei.org/debian/bruby/ ./ to my sources.list to get a better 
XFree86.  The result worked but that took away KDE and I'm a van of KDE over 
gnome or others.
So then I tried to go to sid but that was too much for my modem connection 
(plus I got confused about apt-get resuming etc as the packages would have 
changed each night.)
I then went back to Woody and stuck with stable but thought I'd go with 
XFree86 4.3 using deb ftp://linux.upsa.es/pub/XFREE4.3/ ./ and at the same 
time thought I'd get a later KDE by adding deb 
http://download.kde.org/stable/3.1.4/Debian stable main
Things seemed to look good, got the KDE choose language, look etc, and even 
the KDM login screen.  But after doing so all I get is the Debian logo 
desktop with no toolbars or other usable functions.
I jump to another tty and being a newbie try to restart X (all this as root - 
yes horribly inproper I know but until I work out how to give a user a bit 
more power that's what I'll stick with) and get the following error;

xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key
giving up
Xinit: unable to connect to X server
Xinit: No such process (errno 3): server error

I have attempted to serach for answers on the internet, but being a newbie 
I'm lost and now ask for some easy to understand help.
I'm not a big one for tar balls and stuff, prefering the apt-get way so any 
thing in that domain to help me get X 4.3 with KDE and Woody going would be 
most appreciated.

A while I'm at it, is it at all possible to have Sarge and KDE?  From what 
I've read, it seems not, instead I have to go to sid.

Geoff Maclean

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.567 / Virus Database: 358 - Release Date: 24/01/2004

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<META content="MSHTML 6.00.2800.1106" name=GENERATOR>
<BODY bgColor=#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>My video card seems to have been a poor choice - 
Leadtek WinFast A 180 DDR (Nvidia GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X).</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>I'm a newbie and have had&nbsp;many experimental 
moments trying to get X to start.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>I've previously tried updating to sarge and I 
added deb <A 
./ to my sources.list to get a better XFree86.&nbsp; The result worked but 
took away KDE and </FONT><FONT face=Arial size=2>I'm a van of KDE over gnome 
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>So then I tried to go to sid but that was too 
for my modem connection&nbsp;(plus I got confused about apt-get resuming etc 
the packages would have changed each night.)</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>I then went back to Woody and stuck with stable 
thought I'd go with XFree86 4.3 using deb <A 
./ and at the same time thought I'd get a later KDE by adding deb <A 
stable main</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Things seemed to look good, got the KDE choose 
language, look etc, and even the KDM login screen.&nbsp; But after doing so 
I get is the Debian logo desktop with no toolbars or other usable 
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>I jump to another tty and being a newbie try to 
restart X (all this as root - yes horribly inproper I know but until I work 
how to give a user a bit more power that's what I'll stick with) and get the 
following error;</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by 
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>giving up</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Xinit: unable to connect to X server</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Xinit: No such process (errno 3): server 
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>I have attempted to serach for answers on the 
internet, but being a newbie I'm lost and now ask for some easy to understand 
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>I'm not a big one for tar balls and stuff, 
prefering the&nbsp;apt-get way so any thing in that domain to help me get X 
with KDE and Woody going would be most appreciated.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>A while I'm at it, is it at all possible to have 
Sarge and KDE?&nbsp; From what I've read, it seems not, instead I have to go 
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Geoff Maclean</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><BR>---<BR>Outgoing mail is certified Virus 
Free.<BR>Checked by AVG anti-virus system (<A 
6.0.567 / 
Virus Database: 358 - Release Date: 24/01/2004</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>

#reply email#
Re: Woody with KDE 3.1 and XFree86 4.3
 From: Peter Lieverdink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 To: Geoff Maclean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hi Geoff,

The standard Woody XF4.0.x or Sarge XF4.2.x should be fine. What you
need to do is obtain the binary-only nvidia drivers. The packages are
nvidia-kernel-src (nvidia gart driver) and nvidia-glx-src (nvidia x
driver). I think they live in non-free.

Depending on your mainboard, you may want to move off kernel 2.4.18
(woody) as well. Some newer mobos like a KT400 or nForce2 aren't
properly supported by the older kernel and this will lead to shitty
performance (like no DMA on your hdd)

Now as forKDE showing nothing... I've had that (on Sid) and people on
#debian-kde @ freenode had no idea how to fix it. Purging all KDE/X
packages and their config files, then reinstalling didn't help. In the
end I wiped the box, installed from scratch and KDE ran fine.

- Peter.
On Thu, 2004-01-29 at 21:12, Geoff Maclean wrote:
> My video card seems to have been a poor choice - a Leadtek WinFast A
> 180 DDR (Nvidia GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X).
> I'm a newbie and have had many experimental moments trying to get X to
> start.
> I've previously tried updating to sarge and I also added deb
> http://www.schuldei.org/debian/bruby/ ./ to my sources.list to get a
> better XFree86.  The result worked but that took away KDE and I'm a
> van of KDE over gnome or others.
> So then I tried to go to sid but that was too much for my modem
> connection (plus I got confused about apt-get resuming etc as the
> packages would have changed each night.)
> I then went back to Woody and stuck with stable but thought I'd go
> with XFree86 4.3 using deb ftp://linux.upsa.es/pub/XFREE4.3/ ./ and at
> the same time thought I'd get a later KDE by adding deb
> http://download.kde.org/stable/3.1.4/Debian stable main
> Things seemed to look good, got the KDE choose language, look etc, and
> even the KDM login screen.  But after doing so all I get is the Debian
> logo desktop with no toolbars or other usable functions.
> I jump to another tty and being a newbie try to restart X (all this as
> root - yes horribly inproper I know but until I work out how to give a
> user a bit more power that's what I'll stick with) and get the
> following error;
> xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
> xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key
> giving up
> Xinit: unable to connect to X server
> Xinit: No such process (errno 3): server error
> I have attempted to serach for answers on the internet, but being a
> newbie I'm lost and now ask for some easy to understand help.
> I'm not a big one for tar balls and stuff, prefering the apt-get way
> so any thing in that domain to help me get X 4.3 with KDE and Woody
> going would be most appreciated.
> A while I'm at it, is it at all possible to have Sarge and KDE?  From
> what I've read, it seems not, instead I have to go to sid.
> Geoff Maclean
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.567 / Virus Database: 358 - Release Date: 24/01/2004

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hope this sheds some more light on topic

Regards Paul,
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <www.virtual.net.au/~paje>

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