El Miércoles, 18 de Febrero de 2004 19:42, Achim Bohnet escribió:
> > I know that kdeextragear* and kdenonbeta are not official KDE modules,
> > but some applications are packaged for Debian, but some interesting
> > others (kimdaba, amarok, ...) are not.
> Well there are no official pkgs, but ;) I've announced woody/sid
> kimdaba KDE 3.2 pkg on the kimdaba list. And I've on my system a
> amorak pkg.  AFAIR  I've found them on the amarok home page.

Yes, there are amarok packages, but there aren't in debian, so I can't install 
them from the official debian repositories in my powerpc ;-). There aren't 
source packages neither, only binary. Bringing them to the official debian 
distribution, seems more interesting to me :-)

> I hope that kalyxo.org will sometime in the future provide a
> pool of all those non-official kde pkgs for woody and sarge
> (when sarge is called stable) ;)

I hope too.

Best regards.

Alex (a.k.a. suy) - GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2
http://darkshines.net/ - Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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