On Feb 22, 2004 at 08:07, Ben Burton praised the llamas by saying:
> Hi..
> > KDE 3.2.1 is scheduled to be released on Feb 28. I will be uploading KDE
> > to sid at that time if all the packages have been processed by then.
> Won't this make difficult to upload future bugfixes for 3.1.5?  (This is
> assuming that KDE 3.2 won't be ready for sarge by the time it freezes).
> In fact, AIUI this could make things difficult for getting bugfixes
> for *any* KDE apps into testing, since they'd start depending on kdelibs
> 3.2, etc.
> Or are we actually aiming at having 3.2 in sarge before it freezes?
This worries me too. I also get the impression that QA would rather 3.2
stayed out of sid for a while. I think 3.2.1 should go into experimental

David Pashley
Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.

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