On Tue, 27 Jan 2004 22:17:34 +0100 Achim Bohnet wrote:
> My idea now was now to create a kde-options(?) manpage^Wsgml that describes
> the generic kde and qt options (later maybe in more detail).   From all
> other manpages just use a reference to this manpage.  

Have you made any progress on this?

This really does seem like the Right Way to document these options -- after 
all, they are not provided by the applications themselves, but by kdelibs and 
qt; it makes sense therefor, to put the documentation in the libs packages as 
well.  If KDE adds (or worse, removes) an option to the common KDE options, 
do we really want to have to update every individual application's manpage?  
Would the individual app maintainers even notice something this subtle?

Anyway, nobody seemed to think this was a bad idea, so I guess I don't need to 
try so hard to convince you.  =)

I'm willing to help with this, but of course I don't want to duplicate any 


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