On Tue, 20 Apr 2004, Chris Halls wrote:

> On Tue, 2004-04-20 at 15:57, Rene Engelhard wrote:
> > I did a patch to kdelibs that it diverts "our" files away when it is
> > installed but calc promised me he wanted to fix all RC bugs and
> > kdelibs/-base 3.2 would enter testing soon (which we see is not the
> > case). So I didn't actually send it.
> >
> > Maybe he could add it, but when kdelibs enters testing soon (which I
> > hope it will do it after he fixes those rc bugs) this was more or less
> > useless effort.
> This doesn't solve the problem for Woody backports of OOo installed on a
> Woody machine with KDE < 3.2.  OOo has to provide these files somehow.
> I would suggest that OOo does the diverting instead of KDE.  That should
> work in past and future scenarios.  Once Woody is obsolete we can remove
> the diversion, and the files.

How about a new package openoffice.org-mimelnk-transition with the
missing files.

openoffice.org-mimelnk would Depends: openoffice.org-mimelnk-transition | 
kdelibs-base >= 3.2

openoffice.org-mimelnk-transition would Conflict: kdelibs-base >= 3.2


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