On Mon, May 03, 2004 at 11:02:50PM +0200, Chris Vanden Berghe wrote:
> When I exit a session in Konsole (by typing 'exit'), I almost always get
> an error message saying that the session exited with error status xxx,
> where xxx is quite often '1' or '127'.  But also other numbers are possible.
> This is repeatable on my system:
>       open a new konsole tab
>       type a non-existent command
>       get 'a command not found message from bash'
>       type 'exit'
> This always results in such an error status message, but this is
> certainly not the only way to get one.  I never had this behavior with
> older versions of konsole...
> Any ideas?  Thanks,

I may be wrong, but I think this is *feature*, not bug ;).  I finally
realized after reading your report (especially description how to reproduce
it).  Konsole prints this error message each time program executed for
given session (typically it's shell) exits with non-zero exit status.
Shells exit with exit status of last executed command.  If you type
non-existent command, "its" exit status is 127, which is then used by shell
as it's exit status.

Anyway, I agree that it's quite annoying feature (at least sometimes / for
some users).  Maybe it should be configurable.  Try filing wishlist bug on
KDE's bug tracking system.


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