The current  default directory for kdm sessions desktop files is
/usr/share/apps/kdm/sessions. There were  45  files there on  my sid system 
with  KDE 3.2.2.  It appears  kdm  does a great  job of sorting out which of
these is  actually installed, then throws the right ones up for me to  choose on
the kdm session menu. No editing of /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc is required to install a
new session manager. No SessionTypes list need be entered. The KDE 3.2.2 session
editor is defunct now anyway. Just put the appropriate .desktop  file  in the de
facto default directory, and we're in business. I am not sure  how well the
other desktop managers  cope with  .desktop files which point to nothing. Maybe
 that is why they  do not  want to  impose  all these  files  onto  another
directory  shared  with  other  desktop managers.

Point is, until the desktop managers  learn to  play  together or  include 
needed .desktop files in their sessions  list directories, for the sake of all
of the users up to their knees  in  blood, I humbly request
windowmanager/desktopenvironment/session package maintainers put  their .desktop
files in  the  actual current  working  default directories of each desktop
manager. ie for kdm the directory is /usr/share/apps/kdm/sessions/ and for xcfe4
the file is xfce4.desktop.

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