On Thu, Jun 10, 2004 at 10:00:31AM +0800, John wrote:
> I do now, following Bill's advice.
> I appreciate that my comments extend far beyond the scope of the 
> original report. However, I believe that someone known within the Debian 
> community - or maybe better KDE - needs to take charge of the KDE menus 
> and say "This is how they will be structured." "terminal emulators go in 
> ...." "Text-mode applications such as mutt, pine, lynx" use such-and 
> such terminal editor and go into the menus at ....
> It may be that "someone" is a small committee.
> The reasons why this needs to be done are similar to the accepted 
> reasons for FHS and such.

This needs to fixed on a entry by entry basis, the issue is likely that
some entries use incorrect Categories, and as you noted on Gnome
Terminal it uses the Name[] entry incorrectly and should have used
"Terminal" only in GenericName[] entry. This is not something specific
to KDE anymore and is part of the new freedesktop.org menu standard.
Gnome will likely be similiarly affected once it adopts the rest of
the freedesktop.org standard. BTW the only entries that are shown
outside of the Debian submenu are ones that claim to properly support
the freedesktop.org standards by installing .desktop files into its
directory /usr/share/applications.


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