Bug #218971 describes some unclear interaction between licq (which uses 
Qt as user interface), Qt, and the kernel.  I don't understand a word 
of what it says there.  The previous maintainer of licq solved this bug 
by providing a wrapper script that does

LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3 /usr/bin/licq.real

But it now turns out that this causes a set of other problems (for 
example, the KDE session management cannot know the right program to 
restart), so I'd prefer to work on getting rid of this wrapper.  Can 
any of the Qt experts here comment on this?  The bug says that it is 
caused by improper dlopen handling (licq loads a pluging at run time 
that is linked with libqt).  What is the proper handling?

Here is a Red Hat bug that seems related: 

They talk about installing an updated kernel.  What about the Debian 

Thanks for any help.

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