Joerg Reckers writes:

> here some more information as domi proposed:

Hi, thanks for the extra info.  Everything seems normal except for

>> nm --dynamic /usr/lib/ | grep _ZN7QPixmap6detachEv

> does't give me anything, thats why the undefiened symbol?

> if i grep for Pixmap6 i just get 00281730 T _ZN7QPixmap6resizeEii
> 0033d150 T _ZNK14QListBoxPixmap6heightEPK8QListBox 00347e30 W
> _ZNK14QListBoxPixmap6pixmapEv 001c5200 T _ZNK7QPixmap6metricEi

Something must have gone wrong with your qt library.  Are you using
any special qt packages ?  Have you compiled qt yourself ?  Any other
info you think can be useful ?  

And can you please also send us the output of the following commands ?

md5sum /usr/lib/
dpkg -l 'libqt*'


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