El Lunes, 30 de Agosto de 2004 10:20, escribió:
> I'm sending this in private mail because I don't have the camera handy ATM
> to take a smaller sized image and don't know how to scale it while keeping
> the EXIF information. Sorry for the large size :-/

No problem. I rescaled it using imagemagick this way:

convert -resize 250x200 IMG_0791.JPG thumb.jpg

The strange thing, is that kuickshow shows it rotated (vertically), but 
konqueror shows it horizontally in the preview.

> When I direct kuickshow to the folder containing this image, the thumbnails
> is correctly shown rotated (propably because it was created with an older
> version), but when I open the image, it is not rotated.
> Also, when I copy the image to another directory, the thumbnails is no
> longer rotated.

This doesn't happens to me.

> Oh, and there's someting else, I just noticed: The properties window that
> opens when you press Alt+Enter no longer shows the EXIF information. This
> seems related.

OK, then, i think you are missing a package that I have installed, and that is 
the responsible of the rotating. Can you check if you have installed the 

If you have, please provide the output of apt-cache showpkg kuickshow. You can 
also try to run debsums kdegraphics and see if all is OK.


Alex (a.k.a. suy) - GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2
http://darkshines.net/ - Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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