El Dom 21 Nov 2004 23:52, Josh Metzler escribió:
> Groucho,
> I think the package you want is menu-xdg.  It provides menu methods
> so that non-kde programs show up in a submenu of the debian menu.

I see...

> I don't know what it does when a package is installed or removed,
> but if it doesn't do the right thing, then the bug is in menu-xdg,
> not kdebase.

So far (I installed it some weeks ago) it seems to do the right thing. 
It even made my hand-added entries for Quake3 and Enemy Territory 
show up in the Debian menu again.

Previously there was no need to install menu-xdg to have non-KDE 
programs available in the KDE menu.
I also think the former behaviour was nicer than the one I get with 
menu-zdg, as besides a consolidated Debian menu, there were several 
of its submenus spread over appropiate places in the KDE menu.

Perhaps a Suggests: xdg-menu should be appropiate so folks upgrading 
from Woody would have a hint on how to keep the functionality 
previously provided by kdebase (4:2.2.2-14.8), i.e.: to have a menu 
method in /etc/menu-methods (/etc/menu-methods/kdebase) handling the 
insertion or removal of menu entries for KDE.

Herr Groucho

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