retitle 249951 kdebase: please enable the "Include Latin layout" option by 
default for all non-Latin keyboard layouts
reassign 249951 kdebase
severity 249951 wishlist

On Fri, Nov 19, 2004 at 01:06:41AM -0800, Stefan Baums wrote:
> On Wednesday,  1 September 2004, Denis Barbier wrote:
> > The Ctrl key works as expected if 'us,ru' layout is selected
> > ('us' can be replaced by any Latin-based layout).
> Thanks for pointing that out.  I now fixed the problem for me
> personally by enabling the option “Include latin layout” in the
> KDE “Configure Keyboard Layout” dialogue.  That does what you say,
> “setxkbmap ... -layout us,ru ...” instead of “-layout ru”.
> > The problem is that Russian users surely prefer 'ru,us'.
> I find that even with “-layout us,ru” in that order, after
> switching to Russian I get Cyrillic input first, Latin only after
> pressing Left_Shift + Right_Shift.  That suits me fine, and is
> presumably also what Russian users would want.
> > Maybe you can ask Debian XFree86 maintainers to backport this
> > patch if you believe that it is important.
> My problem is fixed by enabling that option in the KDE
> configuration dialogue.  I don’t know about the bigger picture:
> people who use GNOME or something else, or what happens when
> Debian transitions to monolithic or modular X.  I also don’t
> know if this bug can be considered fixed now or not.  Let the
> maintainer decide.
> But it would certainly be good if Debian KDE enabled the “Include
> latin layout” option by default for all non-Latin keyboard
> layouts.

Okay.  Reassigning this bug to kdebase, then.

G. Branden Robinson                |     Communism is just one step on the
Debian GNU/Linux                   |     long road from capitalism to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |     capitalism. |     -- Russian saying

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