
the fixed libqt3-mt package (3.3.4-8-pre1) does indeed solve the problem of 
QString::arg (double).


On Wed Sep 07, 2005 16:26, Adeodato Simó wrote:
>>  Hello all,
>>    fixed Qt packages will be soon uploaded to unstable. In the meantime,
>>    can you confirm that they really fix the problem? Please install and
>>    test from the following repository:
>>      http://people.debian.org/~adeodato/tmp/2005-09-07/fixed-qt
>>    Thanks.
>>  * Rainer Kiehne [Wed, 07 Sep 2005 11:11:56 +0200]:
>>  > HI
>>  >
>>  > My Problem is that printing out of konqueror (unstable) and other
>>  > packages (kate) creates invalid postscript code i.e. printing into a
>>  > postscript file results to:
>>  * Tibor Hajling [Tue, 06 Sep 2005 03:00:13 +0200]:
>>  > Package: kdelibs
>>  > Version: 4:3.4.2-3
>>  > Severity: normal
>>  >
>>  > When I try to print a testpage from KDE Control Panel to a pdf or ps
>>  > pseudo printer KNotify gives me the following message:
>>  * Oleksandr Moskalenko [Tue, 06 Sep 2005 19:01:11 -0600]:
>>  > Package: libqt3-mt
>>  > Version: 3:3.3.4-7
>>  > Severity: normal
>>  >
>>  > I am packaging scribus. Recently a bug report came up upstream that
>>  > scribus installed from a Debian package was corrupting produced pdfs
>>  > and object properties on its canvas couldn't be set properly. It seems
>>  > to present certain numbers in an incorrect form i.e. 12.:0 instead of
>>  > 13 in a spinbox. Most of the time it also resets to 1 instead of
>>  > advancing to such numbers. All efforts to locate the bug upstream
>>  > pointed to Qt3.
>>  * Wolfgang Roemer [Wed, 07 Sep 2005 07:51:36 +0200]:
>>  > Package: libqt3-mt
>>  > Version: 3:3.3.4-7
>>  > Severity: important
>>  >
>>  > A simple conversion of a double value into a QString with the standard
>>  > QString::arg(...) function fails sometimes:

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