Norbert Preining, le dim. 05 sept. 2021 22:00:50 +0900, a ecrit:
> > Version: 5.81.0
> ...
> > It seems hurd-i386 also needs ignoring the missing
> > _ZNK12KConfigGroup9readEntryI6QSizeFEET_PKcRKS2_@Base symbol, as the
> > attached patch fixes like on i386.
> Do you really mean 5.81.0?

Since the symbol was marked as supposed to be appearing in 5.81.0, yes.
Version 5.83.0-2 was already failing with that issue.

> You also have a wild mixture of 5.83 nd 5.85, seem your system is not
> completely uptodate.

I'm not actually reporting the bug from by testbox, sorry.


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