Am / On Sun, 26 Dec 2021 17:18:49 +0100
schrieb / wrote Klaumi Klingsporn <>:

> in the new version marble as well as marble-qt doesn't
> show anything in the legend tab although there are
> legend-symbols in the maps-subdirectories for the maps
> and descriptions in the dgml-files.

Only to let you know.
I think the problem is that marble has to be compiled
against qtwebengine5-dev to make the legend-function work.

At least when I built the latest version of marble (21.12.1)
today using the control file from the Ubuntu packages which
includes qtwebengine5-dev as Build-Depends all went well
and die legends work again in marble.

If anybody has need for them, you find my packages at:

Thanks for maintaining marble for Debian!


Klaus-Michael Klingsporn

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