On November 4, 2005 11:45, Daniel Schröter wrote:
> In linux kernel version higher then 2.6.13, CONFIG_ACPI_SLEEP_PROC_SLEEP
> is marked as deprecated. It adds /proc/acpi/sleep interface that klaptop
> daemon uses for sleep states.
> If this file is not present, klaptop is not able to send signals for
> standby and other powersaving modes.
> As this interface is deprecated by /sys/power/state, it should be
> supported by klaptop. It is also avaiable in the 2.6.8 Kernel.
> A patch is avaiable on the kde bugtracking system
> http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=111747#c1

Thanks for the information. Have you tested this patch yourself? My access 
to laptops is limited, and the bugs.kde.org report you cite suggests that 
the patch provided is a partial solution. Thus it would be nice to have 
some reports (from any and all) that this patch does indeed work, doesn't 
cause any laptops to erupt into flames, etc. before looking more closely at 
the possibility of applying it.

Christopher Martin

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