
El sáb, 11 de feb. de 2023 09:53, Eric Long <i...@hack3r.moe> escribió:

> Hi Lisandro,
> I changed SymbolsHelper-Confirmed header to "6.4.2 !riscv64" and
> managed to
> generate symbol files without MISSING. Please check if there are any
> errors.

Well, that's not the real solution ;-) The idea is that you manage those
symbols. It's not easy at first, but you get used to it.

> As for the upstream: Chromium's Linux build machines uses Debian stable
> (as can
> be seen in their build script [1]), so unless riscv64 makes it to
> Debian's
> release architectures, they are not willing to merge patches for riscv64
> support. Adding Chromium to Debian's riscv64 architecture would be a
> step
> forward ;)

Oh, I see. Chicken and egg problem. Ok, in this case we need to go forward
in some way.

> (I'm yet to submit the patch to Debian's chromium package because they
> also
> added patches for ppc64el support, which is similar to our situation. I
> may need
> to manually modify the macro conditions so that they work together)

Please do. I'll see to add the patch as soon as possible.

> Cheers,
> Eric

Thanks for your work Eric! Whenever I can, and if I do not forget, I'll
show you how to deal with symbols files

> [1]:
> https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:build/linux/sysroot_scripts/sysroot-creator-bullseye.sh
  • Bug#1030895: Symbol diffs Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
    • Bug#1030895: Symbol diffs Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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