
1) I LOVE kontact - REALLY COOL! ;0)
2) I'd like to set up a central infrastructure for addressbooks and calendars 
for a small group of people - enter: GROUPWARE.
3) I have managed to install OpenLDAP following 
http://wiki.tryphon.org/Configure_OpenLDAP, but can't find an LDAP Schema 
that would cover all fields in the addressbook component of kontact.
4) I struggled for a while to install egroupware, but am having major problems 
to get it to run ...
5) Wait - kontact was designed as a client for kolab, wasn't it? Kolab 
installation is a major pida! System independent installations of bzip2, 
file, gcc, gzip, make, openssl, PERL!, ... ? Gimme a break! Can't cooperate 
with base-required exim? Brrrrr!

So the question now is: are there any plans to package kolab for debian proper 
- without this openpkg monster?

I'd like to help according to my restricted "hobbyist" (if that word wasn't 
tainted by Mr. M$ ...) system administrator capabilities ...

Thanks, Joh

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