severity 530741 normal

On Wednesday 27 May 2009 18:04:49 Pierre THIERRY wrote:
> Scribit Modestas Vainius dies 27/05/2009 hora 16:14:
> > If ~/Mail is where kmail is set up to store your mails, what do you
> > expect?
> I used kmail a bit, ages ago, so maybe this setup was just carried
> through various upgrades. Still, what is the meaning of turning all my
> nex mails into old ones without me even seeing their subject?
> > I see that you could not have known kmail defaults but I don't think
> > this is only kmail fault, it is also a user error as both applications
> > are set up to use the same folder for mail storage.
> Couldn't the two applications be nice to each other? mutt wouldn't do
> any modifications to the mail storage without a clear request from the
> user, I'd like the same behaviour from kmail.
> > Hence I believe the severity should be lowered but I'm not doing it
> > just now.
> Kmail's current behaviour combined with me having used before led me to
> lose a whole lot of valuable information, without even asking anything
> from kmail, so I still think the severity is that high, but I'm
> obviously biased, as I'm pissed by what happened, so you should have the
> final word.

The core problem here is that you configured several apps to use the same 
data, data in a format that is not very well defined, and have left several 
important details of being effective implementation specific.

I'm pretty sure that if Maildir had been a very well defined format with a 
well defined semantics of new, seen and other flags, several apps could nicely 
access the same maildir without problems, but this is as I see it not the 

I'm pretty sure that considering mutt the reference implementation is also not 

I'm downgrading the severity, and I'm in doubt wether this is a bug at all in 


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