On Sat, May 11, 2013 at 09:18:03PM +0200, Sune Vuorela wrote:
> [recipients trimmed]
> > I recommend applying the patch from bug #639300 in a stable update, instead
> > of leaving akonadi/virtuoso un-coinstallable with all ODBC drivers in
> > wheezy.  Attached is an updated patch for this issue.

> My recommendation is to have unixodbc drop the useless and broken Breaks.

The breaks are not from unixodbc, they are from the ODBC *drivers*, which
are no longer in a path that libiodbc2 will find.  No one has stepped up to
make libiodbc2 multiarch-capable, and I find it unlikely that this would be
acceptable to fix in a stable update.  Thus the breaks are legitimate and

> > KDE maintainers: would you prefer to prepare a different fix yourselves for
> > this issue, or upload this patch yourself?

> I guess I can NMU unixodbc if you prefer, given that is the good fix.

No, you have misunderstood the problem.

> iodbc is what upstream and most distributions uses here, and I see no reason 
> to deviate from upstream here. 

> iodbc is the one supported and written by virtuoso upstream, so that's the
> one we prefer to use.

iodbc is the one being *abused* by virtuoso upstream.  Soprano does not work
with arbitrary ODBC drivers; the use of a driver manager (in this case,
iODBC) is a pointless indirection - as I've demonstrated, with my tested
patch.  The iodbc package in Debian has been unmaintained for years; a
simple patch to soprano to remove the dependency on iodbc altogether is all
that's needed here.

If you're willing to maintain libiodbc2 just for the sake of virtuoso, then
fine, maintain it.  But no one has been maintaining it for 4 years, and it
went out the door broken and unusable as an ODBC DM because no one has
ported it for use with multiarch while almost all of the ODBC drivers have
been multiarch-enabled in wheezy.  The only reason this bug doesn't affect
soprano as well is that soprano isn't *using* it as a DM except in the
loosest sense of the word.  So as things stand now, libiodbc2 is useless as
a DM because it's incompatible with any of the drivers that users are going
to configure it to use, and the Breaks are there to reflect that and ensure
partial upgrades don't give users broken ODBC for other squeeze revdeps of

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slanga...@ubuntu.com                                     vor...@debian.org

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