On Tuesday 28 April 2015 21:15:14 Michael Krylov wrote:
> Hello.

Hi Michael!
> I've just switched to Jessie and stumbled upon some kind of bug, which
> I will describe here.
> I use LXDE with some qt applications, like transmission-qt. When I
> launched transmission-qt, I noticed that icon theme that I use in gtk
> applications (elementary) has not been activated, instead of that
> default gnome 3 theme was used. I tried to find reason for that in
> configuration (e.g. environmental variables, gconf, etc), but that was
> in vain. Finally I tried to check another qt5 application icon theme,
> qpdfviewer, and, when I installed that, icon theme magically became
> right. But when I uninstalled it, icon theme broke again.
> I noticed that qpdfview depends on libqt5svg5, so I decided to install
> it separately, and yeah, installing this package fixed that icon theme
> bug. I suppose that if icon theme use svg icons and this package is not
> installed, it won't work.

Indeed I see the issue here.

> So, I want to suggest creating a dependency in some package (libqt5gui5
> maybe?) to libqt5svg5 to fix that bug.

Sadly that's not possible because libqt5svg5 depends on libqt5gui5, adding it 
would create a circular dependency.

*Maybe* we can consider adding a Recommends, but I'm not actually sure that's 
the best place to add it :-/

> Anyways, thank you for your hard work! And sorry for my bad english...

Thanks you for reporting the issue :) And your english is quite right :D

Sea estricto cuando envíe y tolerante cuando reciba. En otras palabras, solo
envíe paquetes que cumplan rigurosamente con lo estándares, pero espere
paquetes que tal vez no cumplan del todo y trate de lidiar con ellos.
  Andrew S. Tanenbaum, de su libro "Computer Networks"

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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