On Saturday 10 October 2015 15:21:19 Guillem Jover wrote:
> > [cla] <http://www.qt.io/contributionagreement/>
> I've read the CLA, and I don't think I can agree with point §3.1 which
> states:
> «… under license terms of The Qt Company’s choosing including any Open
> Source Software license.»
> Which to me implies an unfair advantage towards “The Qt Company” as

Hi Guillem and others reading along at home.

I fully understand your take against CLA's, and I kind of agree. What still 
made me sign the Qt Project CLA is the fact that there is also the slightly 
less advertised KDE Free Qt Foundation agreement between Trolltech/Nokia/Digia 
and KDE on the other side:


 - in case Trolltech/Nokia/Digia/... stop developing open source Qt for X11 or 
successors of X11, KDE Free Qt Foundation gets the Qt sources under a specific 
BSD license. (The android code is also under this agreement)

The Qt Company (A Digia subcompany) does also sell commercial licenses of Qt 
to people who can't or won't live up to the lgpl/gpl requirements, and is how 
The Qt Company keeps the 100+ people working on and around Qt.

I didn’t stop pretending when I became an adult, it’s just that when I was a 
kid I was pretending that I fit into the rules and structures of this world. 
And now that I’m an adult, I pretend that those rules and structures exist.
   - zefrank

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