On Thu, Nov 05 2015, Maximiliano Curia <m...@debian.org> wrote:
>> Just saying "install cups-bsd" is not actually a
>> good solution to the problem.  If for whatever reason the user doesn't
>> have cups-bsd installed, they have no way to know that the problem is
>> the lack of that package.  In the interest of user it would be a lot
>> more generous to provide a notification that printing is not possible
>> without the cups-bsd package installed.
> Right, that's an upstream bug, I think it would be better if okular used
> qprinter directly instead of having a tweaked qprinter implementation, but
> that might not be feasible, hopefully upstream should be able to assess this.
> Could you report this bug upstream?

Thanks for the response, Max.

I guess the issue comes down to how much one thinks package maintainers
should take responsibility for upstream issues in Debian software.  I'm
of the opinion that package maintainers should be the liaison between
upstream and the Debian community.  In my opinion, any bug in Debian
software should be filed in the BTS.  If the issue is not just in
packaging, then the package maintainers should forward those issues
upstream if that's where they need to go, or at the very least help the
users through that process.  The maintainers can be the point people for
upstream, which relieves the burden of every user having to know how to
file upstream issues against every package that they use.  Everyone need
only know how to file issues with the BTS, and the package maintainers
can help do the rest.  At least that's how I try to operate for the
packages that I maintain.

In any event, I would be happy to file the bug upstream if you could
help direct me to the appropriate place to do so.



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