
Pino Toscano, on Thu 07 Jan 2016 19:51:18 +0100, wrote:
> In data sabato 19 dicembre 2015 13:47:41, Jörg Frings-Fürst ha scritto:
> > Since the last update the "KDE-Zugangshilfe" is running every time.


> > Shortly after closing the program is running again.
> Do you have qt-at-spi installed? I guess it has something do with the
> recent change that enabled accessibility by default for Qt4
> applications. Samuel, do you have any hint?

I don't see why it accessibility help should get triggered, there is no
reason why disabled people would need that behavior.

Jörg, you can cross-check whether that's my change which
triggers this behavior by trying to comment the definitions in

We need to fix that anyway, disabled people really don't want that
either anyway.


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