Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer wrote on 09/01/16 11:04:

Is it possible start applications within the KDE plasma desktop without
them having kdeinit5 as a parent/grandparent process?

I tried opening iceweasel from krunner and from the K menu it works perfectly.

How does one open iceweasel from krunner on a KDE plasma desktop?

Have you ried creating a new user from scratch and testing what happens there?

I should try that soon.

The problem appears to be related to how kdeinit5 or its dependent libraries behave, which can result in the lock-ups I've experienced when when some upgrades have taken place.

At the moment I can run iceweasel alright from KDE plasma desktop but there appears to be some underlying issues that aren't handled properly.

Thanks again for your help!


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