On Saturday, January 09, 2016 01:44:09 PM Peter Pöschl wrote:
> Hi list,
> what is the proper package to file a burgreport regarding the plasma desktop
> startup?
> On an amd64 system running Testing, when I hit Enter on the password entry
> of the sddm login screen (Elarun theme) one of 3 things happen:
>  1) probability about 50 %:
>     * login screen stays, progress bar goes to 100 %.
>     * login screen fades into a black screen, i.e. *no working desktop*.
>       On this screen, a krusader window is running, started via Autostart.
>       I can start a separate konsole window from krusader and
>       other GUI-programs, e.g. iceweasel, from the shell.
>     * Alt-Ctrl-Del gives me a popup to logout.
>     * re-login then usually works, but I had one case where I had to
>       repeat the logout/login again.
>  2) probability about 50 %:
>     * screen turns completely black.
>     * login screen re-appears, progress bar now at 100 %.
>     * login screen fades into desktop screen, everything works fine.
>  3) probability small:
>     * login screen stays, progress bar goes to 100 %.
>     * login screen fades into desktop screen, everything works fine.
> What additional data should I add to provide a meaningful bugreport?
> Thanks in advance,
>    Peter Pöschl
> P.S.: Please keep me on CC, as I am not subscribed on the list.

Make sure you have sddm 0.13 which recently transitioned to testing installed.  
It also brings a Recommends on libpam-systemd (for systemd users - that being 
the default) which you also want.  Those two together are expected to resolve 
some issue that had symptoms similar to yours.

Scott K

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