Version: 4:15.08.0-1

On Friday, 17 July 2015 06:15:05 CEST 张敬强 wrote:
> No information show in kcm_akonadi_resources while kcm_akonadi contains both
> the correct resources and server information;

> kcm_akonadi.desktop should set these key-values to show itself in `kcmshell4
> --list` and KDE4 systemsettings: X-KDE-ParentApp=kcontrol
>  X-KDE-System-Settings-Parent-Category=personal-information
> Attatchment is patch for this file.

> kcm_akonadi_resources is buggy and the resources info is contained in
> kcm_akonadi, so we may also set empty value to above keys in
> kcm_akonadi_resources.desktop

Sorry for not acting on this earlier.

The akonadi kcm seems to be gone with the kf5 migration, so I guess this 
deprecates the request.

Happy hacking,
"The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time.
The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development
-- Tom Cargill
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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