gtk3-engines-unico was recently removed from stretch because it
apparently doesn't do anything any more. See

>From its description, gtk3-engines-xfce sounds like something
different; it claims to allow regular GTK3 themes to be used by Xfce.
But maybe it's just as obsolete as Unico since it has no reverse
dependencies and I'm able to use Breeze fine on Xfce without it.

It seems to me like Breeze is a GTK theme not a GTK3 engine. For one
thing, it supports GTK2 too!

Here are the other GTK theme binary packages I am aware of in Debian:

- albatross-gtk-theme
- arc-theme
- blackbird-gtk-theme
- bluebird-gtk-theme
- clearlooks-phenix-theme (removed from stretch because of GTK 3.20)
- greybird-gtk-theme
- gnome-themes-standard (GTK2 only now since GTK3 itself bundles the
GTK3 version of Adwaita)
- mate-themes
- murrine-themes (GTK2 only)
- numix-gtk-theme (well it's an ITP, but it will be in Debian soon)

Ubuntu also has
- light-themes
- ubuntu-mate-themes
- yuyo-gtk-theme
and several old GTK2 themes

Therefore, I propose that the binary package be renamed to breeze-gtk-theme.

Jeremy Bicha

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