
I'm the main developer of Skrooge (an application in KDE extragear).
The version of Skrooge packaged for Debian is the version 1.9.3
(released in April 2014).:-(
This is a very old version based on Qt4/KDE4.
The last release is the version 2.5.0 based on Qt5/KF5.

Because, I'm on Kubuntu (Sorry for that!), I made a ppa
(https://launchpad.net/~s-mankowski/+archive/ubuntu/ppa-kf5) to provide
the last version of Skrooge as soon as possible.

Do you think that's could be better to update the package in Debian
instead of ppa?
If yes, how can I help to update the Debian package?

Thank you in advance for your help.

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