2017-04-30 0:16 GMT+02:00 Francesco De Vita <francesco.dev...@inventati.org>:
> On 29/04/17 20:23:58 CEST, Matthias Klumpp wrote:
>> The apt-config-auto-update package enables automatic periodic cache
>> updates on systems that *do not* use PackageKit. For systems where
>> PackageKit is installed, the PK frontend uses PackageKit to request
>> update information.
> About the package cache, isn't it in common between apt and PackageKit based
> tools? If I issue an "apt update" I see that discover sees the updated cache.
> If so, I don't see why not use apt-config-auto-update, it provides a useful
> feature that I think many users expect by default.

PackageKit aleady updates the cache periodically, there is no point in
having another tool trying to do the same in the background. The only
thing that this might end in is two things fighting over the APT
database lock in the background, which is undesired.

>> The software-properties-kde application allows configuring the update
>> interval (does nothing here...) but also allows people to edit the
>> software sources installed on the system. It's basically a GUI editor
>> for /etc/apt/sources.list. And that is the reason why Discover depends
>> on it.
> But plasma-discover already has this feature, I can edit my sources.list with
> it and without software-properties-kde being installed.

You can only remove sources, not edit them or add new ones.

>> Granted, software-properties-kde has quite some flaws [...]
>> Regardless of that, having it brings enough benefit to the users that
>> it is included here. [...]
>> The periodic updates / automatic updates function in software-properties-kde
>> is broken if you use Discover, but its other functions warrant its inclusion
>> still.
> What benefits if I may ask? The sources.list can be edited already in
> plasma-discover without s-p-kde,

You can only remove sources, you can't add or edit them or look at
which GPG keys ou have installed for them on your system. You can also
not enable/disable backports or updates via a simple click.

> the periodic updates are broken if I use
> discover as you say

No, they work just fine. I didn't say that.

> and what remains is the possibility to choose if
> automatically install security updates (but I suppose unattended-upgrades does
> exactly that) or download all the updates in background or just notify about
> it.

These are exactly the features that might be broken, as they rely on
other tools and s-p-kde doesn't interface well with PackageKit.
Everything else works.


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