On lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2017 20:03:00 -03 Ximin Luo wrote:
> > This is clearly a misuse, and thus it must be fixed.  OTOH, the
> > comparison with __FILE__ is not appropriate.
> Why's it not appropriate?

Because it changes well defined macro.

> If you ever want to write tests to be runnable
> outside the build, e.g. with autopkgtest, then you're going to have to not
> use __FILE__ anyway. (Assuming you install the tests somewhere, rather than
> running the whole build again.)

That's the point actually. We do *not* want to run the tests outside the 
build. They are designed to do exactly that: run during the build, not later.

> I can understand that breaking something that used to work is annoying, but
> the point is that the previous use does not generalise well.

No, the problem is that __FILE__ is well defined and in this particular case 
it's use is just correct.

> I don't really
> want to get into holy wars about the definition of "validity", I just ask
> you to consider generality.

And I want you to respect well defined macros.

> For example if you try a program that works
> fine when compiled natively but doesn't work when cross-compiled, that is a
> failure to generalise and one can either say "not supported, stop breaking
> us" or one can try to generalise one's program.

And that's different from changing the meaning of a macro.

> It's not a sledgehammer solution, it's tweakable and we can try to use its
> flexibility to un-break your tests. So, what do you think of this alternate
> solution, that I suggested:

Again: no. And I still consider this a bug in *your* side. Please reassign as 

Un viejo proverbio de El.Machi dice que la memoria es como
las papas fritas... ¡nunca sobran!

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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