In data domenica 13 maggio 2018 09:01:18 CEST, Maximiliano Curia ha scritto:
> ¡Hola Debian!
> El 2018-05-13 a las 06:05 +0000, Debian FTP Masters escribió:
> >   * Run the test suite during the build:
> >     - add the dbus-x11, xauth, and xvfb build dependencies
> >     - run xvfb-run, using a fake home directory for it, running the test 
> > suite
> >       inside a dbus session
> Interesting, that used to fail in the past.
> >   * Remove the unused, and now no more useful autopkgtest stuff.
> You also dropped the acc tests with this change, the acc test builds the 
> installed headers and that helps checking that the -dev package is not 
> missing 
> a dependency and that the installed headers are not include a header that's 
> not being installed.

How does running a tool ('acc') that is supposed to check for ABI
compatibility do that? From what I see, it is supposed to be used with
existing data as baseline, and none of the sources ship that.

Also, if we want to check that a -dev does not miss dependencies, then
there are better ways to do that, rather than relying on the indirect
results of a tool that does something else.

I have a small utility locally in my disk that does exactly this, i.e.
run cmake on an auto-generated temporary CMakeLists.txt with
find_package(...) calls for modules specified on command line -- i.e.
  $ pkgkde-test-cmake --output-on-failure KF5Foo Grantlee5
(the name can be changed, of course)
This makes it easy to integrate it as autopkgtest, as it does not even
need an helper script -- i.e. just add in debian/tests/control:
  Test-Command: pkgkde-test-cmake --output-on-failure KF5Foo
  Depends: build-essential, cmake, libkf5foo-dev

In the same fashion, something similar for qmake .pro files can be
created too.

Also, for pkg-config files a better test IMHO is:
  Test-Command: pkg-config --cflags --libs Qt5WebKit
  Depends: pkg-config, libqt5webkit5-dev

Would the above suggestions be better options for you?

> I'm reverting this, please don't drop the acc tests on other packages.

No, please do not right now, see above.

Pino Toscano

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