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El domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2018 10:09:59 -03 Roman Lebedev escribió:
> > > I can't tell.
> > > I don't remember when it was working for *certain*,
> > > but i think it was working a week ago, and broke before yesterday.
> > 
> > Well, that's an interesting datapoint. I switched qtcreator to use
> > LLVM/clang 7 on 4.7.2-2. Please try installing qtcreator 4.7.2-1 from
> > and see what happens:
> > 
> > 
> > <>
> Very interesting. That helped.
> I guess i have mixed up the timeframe, *or* there is something else going
> on.

Sylvestre: this can be either a bug in llvm/clang or qt creator. Of course 
I'll try to see if the bug belongs or not to Qt creator, but if we keep llvm/
clang 6 in the archive I'll probably switch back to if if we can't find a fix.

Cheers, Lisandro.

¿De qué vive un superamigo? De las regalías de su merchandising, que sólo
puede ser adquirido por burgueses. Como a los burgueses no les agradan las
clases bajas, los superamigos sólo salvan burgueses.
  José Hipólito Moyano -

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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