On Thursday, 31 January 2019 8:19:38 AM AEDT Maximiliano Curia wrote:
> I couldn't reproduce the issue, executing xfce4-notes shows no errors in
> the termianl and it seems to be working fine, this of course, while using
> the breeze theme.

Interestingly enough this issue is very persistent and it existed for a long 
time. Yesterday I've opened #920876 only to realize that I've already 
reported that as #907297 earlier...

> Is there anything special about your setup that could
> somehow caused that the other files in
> /usr/share/themes/Breeze/gtk-2.0/widgets/ directory could not be loaded? A
> limit on the number of open files, perhaps?

Nothing like this, I can't think of anything special.
I've observed this problem on two installations under Cinnamon...

In both cases I had to uninstall "breeze-gtk-theme".

Do you think Breaks/Conflicts could be declared between "breeze-gtk-theme" 
and "xfce4-notes"?

 Dmitry Smirnov.


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