Dear Bernhard,

thank you very much for your reply.

The bug is, like I see it, that the applications cannot find the
gsettings schema directory.

When setting export GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR="/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/" 
in my .xinitrc I can launch GTK and GNOME applications when the
xsession ist started with startx.

Therefor setting GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR in /etc/environment maybe fixes 
the issue, which I have not tried yet.

Shall I resubmit the bug against gsettings-desktop-schemas package?

Yours sincerely,


With many greetings from Leipzig, Germany.
Adrian Immanuel Kieß 

Gothaer Straße 34
D-04155 Leipzig

Administrator & programmer
Unix ∧ Perl ∧ Java ∧ LaTeX

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🌍 — # Dem Ingenieur ist nichts zu schwör
☕ — # Nickpage of Adrian Immanuel Kieß
🐇 — # Outanekka online imagery

echo "Your fortune cookie: " && /usr/games/fortune -c -s
> (goedel) % For 20 dollars, I'll give you a good fortune next time ...

echo "KIESS.ONL uptime: " && /usr/bin/uptime
> 09:18:19 up 12 days, 2:54, 4 users, load average: 1.39, 1.33, 1.68

On Thu, 2019-01-31 at 16:59 +0100, Bernhard Übelacker wrote:
> Hello Adrian Immanuel Kiess,
> I tried to search the net about this message:
>     "GLib-GIO-ERROR: No GSettings schemas are installed on the
> system"
> And found results pointing to .../share/glib-2.0/schemas/.
> Therefore renamed following file:
>     /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/gschemas.compiled
> And received on the next logon attempt a similar trap
> message as you did.
> Therefore I assume this is based on this file missing or corrupt,
> and unrelated to the sddm package, but not sure to which package
> to reassign.
> Are all packages in a configured state? Does following do any
> changes:
>     apt install -f
> I could trigger a recreation when the file was missing by e.g.:
>     apt install --reinstall yelp
> Were there any faults when installing/upgrading
> some gnome packages lately?
> Could you inspect this file on your system
> or let it be recreated?
> Kind regards,
> Bernhard
> root@debian:~# journalctl | grep traps -B4
> Jan 31 16:30:09 debian gnome-session[1233]: gnome-session-
> binary[1233]: GLib-GIO-ERROR: No GSettings schemas are installed on
> the system
> Jan 31 16:30:09 debian gnome-session[1233]: aborting...
> Jan 31 16:30:09 debian gnome-session-binary[1233]: GLib-GIO-ERROR: No
> GSettings schemas are installed on the system
>                                                    aborting...
> Jan 31 16:30:09 debian kernel: traps: gnome-session-b[1233] trap int3
> ip:7ff639d19be5 sp:7fff4eda4490 error:0 in libglib-
> (gdb) bt
> #0  0x00007ff639d19be5 in _g_log_abort (breakpoint=1) at
> ../../../glib/gmessages.c:554
> #1  0x00007ff639d1aefd in g_logv (log_domain=0x7ff639f6f4e7 "GLib-
> GIO", log_level=G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, format=<optimized out>, 
> args=args@entry=0x7fff4eda4560) at ../../../glib/gmessages.c:1371
> #2  0x00007ff639d1b0cf in g_log (log_domain=log_domain@entry=0x7ff639
> f6f4e7 "GLib-GIO", log_level=log_level@entry=G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 
> format=format@entry=0x7ff639f8e0d8 "No GSettings schemas are
> installed on the system") at ../../../glib/gmessages.c:1413
> #3  0x00007ff639f1f171 in g_settings_set_property (object=<optimized
> out>, prop_id=<optimized out>, value=0x7fff4eda46c0, pspec=<optimized
> out>) at ../../../gio/gsettings.c:585
> #4  0x00007ff639dfb8c9 in object_set_property (nqueue=0x561977752880,
> value=<optimized out>, pspec=0x561977747e50, object=0x561977743210)
> at ../../../gobject/gobject.c:1447
> #5  g_object_new_internal (class=class@entry=0x561977769520, 
> params=params@entry=0x7fff4eda47f0, n_params=n_params@entry=1) at
> ../../../gobject/gobject.c:1839
> #6  0x00007ff639dfd3a4 in g_object_new_valist (object_type=<optimized
> out>, first_property_name=first_property_name@entry=0x7ff639f8dbf3
> "schema-id", var_args=var_args@entry=0x7fff4eda4940) at
> ../../../gobject/gobject.c:2128
> #7  0x00007ff639dfd6d9 in g_object_new (object_type=<optimized out>, 
> first_property_name=first_property_name@entry=0x7ff639f8dbf3 "schema-
> id") at ../../../gobject/gobject.c:1648
> #8  0x00007ff639f1f1c5 in g_settings_new (schema_id=schema_id@entry=0
> x561975bb51c5 "org.gnome.SessionManager") at
> ../../../gio/gsettings.c:965
> #9  0x0000561975ba7fec in gsm_manager_init (manager=0x56197776a100)
> at ../gnome-session/gsm-manager.c:3231
> #10 0x00007ff639e190b7 in g_type_create_instance (type=<optimized
> out>) at ../../../gobject/gtype.c:1864
> #11 0x00007ff639dfafe8 in g_object_constructor (type=<optimized out>,
> n_construct_properties=3, construct_params=0x561977767c50) at
> ../../../gobject/gobject.c:2154
> #12 0x0000561975ba8458 in gsm_manager_constructor
> (type=94667378430464, n_construct_properties=3,
> construct_properties=0x561977767c50) at ../gnome-session/gsm-
> manager.c:2158
> #13 0x00007ff639dfb34b in g_object_new_with_custom_constructor
> (n_params=2, params=0x7fff4eda4da0, class=0x561977769270) at
> ../../../gobject/gobject.c:1723
> #14 g_object_new_internal (class=class@entry=0x561977769270, 
> params=params@entry=0x7fff4eda4da0, n_params=n_params@entry=2) at
> ../../../gobject/gobject.c:1803
> #15 0x00007ff639dfd3a4 in g_object_new_valist (object_type=<optimized
> out>, first_property_name=first_property_name@entry=0x561975bb7d25
> "client-store", var_args=var_args@entry=0x7fff4eda4ef0) at
> ../../../gobject/gobject.c:2128
> #16 0x00007ff639dfd6d9 in g_object_new (object_type=<optimized out>, 
> first_property_name=first_property_name@entry=0x561975bb7d25 "client-
> store") at ../../../gobject/gobject.c:1648
> #17 0x0000561975ba9393 in gsm_manager_new
> (client_store=0x561977760a80, failsafe=0) at ../gnome-session/gsm-
> manager.c:3283
> #18 0x0000561975bb2bf7 in create_manager () at ../gnome-
> session/main.c:140
> #19 on_bus_acquired (connection=<optimized out>, name=<optimized
> out>, data=<optimized out>) at ../gnome-session/main.c:164
> #20 0x00007ff639f3aff4 in connection_get_cb (source_object=<optimized
> out>, res=0x7ff628004500, user_data=0x561977768570) at
> ../../../gio/gdbusnameowning.c:487
> #21 0x00007ff639edc5b9 in g_task_return_now (task=0x7ff628004500) at
> ../../../gio/gtask.c:1148
> #22 0x00007ff639edd036 in g_task_return (task=0x7ff628004500,
> type=<optimized out>) at ../../../gio/gtask.c:1206
> #23 0x00007ff639f2d412 in bus_get_async_initable_cb
> (source_object=0x56197774e260, res=0x5619777671f0, 
> user_data=user_data@entry=0x7ff628004500) at
> ../../../gio/gdbusconnection.c:7314
> #24 0x00007ff639edc5b9 in g_task_return_now (task=0x5619777671f0) at
> ../../../gio/gtask.c:1148
> #25 0x00007ff639edc5f9 in complete_in_idle_cb (task=0x5619777671f0)
> at ../../../gio/gtask.c:1162
> #26 0x00007ff639d13cb8 in g_main_dispatch (context=0x56197774dc20) at
> ../../../glib/gmain.c:3182
> #27 g_main_context_dispatch (context=context@entry=0x56197774dc20) at
> ../../../glib/gmain.c:3847
> #28 0x00007ff639d140a8 in g_main_context_iterate
> (context=0x56197774dc20, block=block@entry=1, dispatch=dispatch@entry
> =1, self=<optimized out>) at ../../../glib/gmain.c:3920
> #29 0x00007ff639d143a2 in g_main_loop_run (loop=0x561977760890) at
> ../../../glib/gmain.c:4116
> #30 0x0000561975b8ff16 in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized
> out>) at ../gnome-session/main.c:432

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