Hi Norbert,

sorry for the late answer to this email: it was sent to the maintainer
address, which gets all the emails of uploads, bugs, etc. I noticed it,
however later it got "buried" in the traffic of the list, and thus it
went out of my attention. The list for the general discussion is
pkg-kde-talk, see also https://qt-kde-team.pages.debian.net/qtkde.html
Possibly not the easier place to find, I'm open to suggestions on how
to improve this.
I'm answering how seeing users reporting your repository to our user
support list, and that reminded me of your email.

In data mercoledì 1 aprile 2020 02:37:59 CEST, Norbert Preining ha scritto:
> you might have seen my blog post, but anyway, I have updated most kf*
> and plasma packages to the latest versions, see
>       https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/home:npreining:debian-plasma
> Source and binaries for i586/x86_64 for sid/testing are available there
> (sid is currently broken because xorg-server is borken, so binaries can
> be obtained from https://www.preining.info/debian/.

Plasma 5.18 requires KF 5.64 (or so) which we don't have yet in Debian.
Updating to a newer KF takes effort as well, and I believe Sandro Knauss
started to work on this (at least I see some commits done by Sandro,
I did not check all the repositories and all the commits).
Ideally I'd ask for some kind of coordination with us, rather than a
"this is the work, take it" approach, as there is lots of things to do,
and review a monolithic approach IME takes more than the various bits
of it. If you are interested, please contact Sandro about this.

I also read in your blog about what somebody would have told you: I'm
think of surprised to read that, since I don't see anything in any
debian-kde-related list about this, nor as answers in your blogs.
I hope that the lack of timely answer to your email was not seen as an
implict "go away" reaction you describe, that would be a pity (and
definitely not intended, since it simply slipped to me, as I said
earlier). Again, what you wrote is not what I would have said, and
I'm sure that the majority of other people (Lisandro, Sandro, Dmitry,
Aurelien, Scarlett, etc) wouldn't have said that either way.

Let me say it once more:
- I'm again sorry for the late answer, because of life/other Debian
  work/etc, which I'm sure you can understand
- I see no reason to reject help outright
- if you are still interested, please let's talk in the -talk list
  about a way to get contribution to our repositories (which are always
  public and open to other people's contributions, like it happened
  also for the Plasma 5.17 upgrade)

Take care,
Pino Toscano

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