In data lunedì 8 giugno 2020 14:19:39 CEST, Dimitri John Ledkov ha scritto:
> You are not being reasonable either.

I am being reasonable as your unreasonable attitude.

> Boost1.71 transition was prepared since February.
> kig, like majority of packages, succeeded to build in all test rebuilds &
> passed autopkgtest if any. Packages that successfully binNMU are not
> notified about upcoming transitions.
> Packages that ftbfs have patches developed and bugs opened.

Again, I know how transitions works, no need for lecturing things that
I've done for more than a decade.

> kig gets binNMUed successfully.

That is the unexpected part: the new boost ships cmake config files
that make the cmake search for the "python" component of the Boost
cmake package refer to the shipped boost-python, which is the Python 3
one. boost 1.67.0 does not have cmake config files, and thus the
FindBoost.cmake provided by cmake detects the Python2-based
boost-python as "python" component. This is why...

> Then two days later you upload a uncoordinated downgrade to reintroduce
> dependency on old python2 and old boost, in full knowledge that you are
> hindering other people's work.

... I uploaded kig to switch it back to Python 2, because the automatic
switch was not supposed to happen.

More than "hindering other people's work", I restored a broken
functionality that was switched because of the new boost.

> Without opening any bug reports.

I explained the reason in the changelog message, please do read it.

> And during
> that time tracker.d.o should have had a message that kig should not be
> uploaded as it is part of an ongoing transition.

There was no message in pts/tracker back then, and still there is
nothing as of right now.

Also, boost transitions works slightly different than other library
transitions: the old and the new libraries are provided by different
sources and they are co-installable (not their -dev, though).
It's enough that the new boost is available in testing, so the switch
of boost-default is not a blocker transition but a a gradual
rebuild/fix that can generally happen side by side with other changes.
This is similar to what happens when the default Python version is
switched: both the old and the new are co-installable, and already in

> I notice regression in transition counts, and open a bug report to prevent
> regressions entering testing and making it harder to remove boost1.67 &
> python2.

I explained already that the boost rebuild already created a buggy
functionality, and because of the transition it already migrated to

> You then downgrade the bug report to force broken stuff into testing and
> anchor it there.


> >From my point of view, [...]

... you ought to provide the information as they were asked, and leave
the judgement the maintainer, especially if you clearly have NO IDEA
about the sitation of kig.

Now, I need the current version in unstable to migrate to testing,
because as I said the boost binNMU created issues (and I got a private
email by an user reporting that). In a couple of days I will check this
again, and decide what to do.

Pino Toscano

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